Global Business Headquarters – 

Operations Officer

Muhamad Musab

Why did you choose your current job?

Considering that KJ planning is a growing company, not only in Japan but in overseas as well, thus it is a great chance to expand my experience and gain knowledge in the financial sector, which is growing rapidly, especially in the forex market that I am interested in. Furthermore, working with KJ Planning’s international team in the finance field is a great chance for my career development.

What was most challenging part of your work, and how did you overcome the difficulties?

One of my biggest challenges will be adjusting to the new workflow and understanding new types of control systems related to the forex MetaTrader4 platform management. I overcame the challenges by taking internal training courses related to the MT4 management platform. And then directly applying the newly learnt knowledge when working on MetaTrader4.  

What do you value when you work?

As I am working in the Back Office of the Operation Department, the most important thing is to be careful with work information and privacy. Also, it is important to be detail oriented. So, when you value details, you understand that it’s better to take your time to complete a task instead of rushing. This will prevent the need to redo a task later.

What are the characteristics of your company?

To improve your work results, the KJ group provides assessment and feedback on our work.
To be sure that we are operating efficiently and meeting goals, the management implement frequent assessments of the training plan and projects. If an assessment uncovers a weak area, we need to address it through revising the applied methods.
So, we get feedback from managers regularly. That way we know if we are performing well and if we are on track with meeting our goals.
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